Start Profile
Online Careers Guidance
Introducing the Start Profile Careers Programme
As part of our commitment to provide an outstanding careers programme which prepares students for a rapidly changing world, we are delighted to announce that we are going to be using an innovative resource called Start.
Students will be asked to create their own account for Start at school and will spend time in their PSE lessons using the resource.
As students customise their profile on Start with details about their skills, qualities, interests and work preferences, Start further personalises this information, helping them to navigate the thousands of jobs, courses, providers and opportunities available.
There are four main sections for students and parents to use:
World of Work
getting inspired
researching industries, jobs and employers
learning about skills that employers value
knowing how to stand out from the crowd
What to Study
researching pathways and qualification options
exploring by subject or qualifications
finding subjects or careers that suit their learning style
Where to Study
researching destinations by courses and subjects
explaining the value of work experience
learning how to write a CV or covering letter
preparing for job interviews
knowing what employers look for
effectively evidencing and demonstrating skills
We are encouraging parents to use Start at home as well with students so please find below a link to a video which explains how Start works and information to help parents register as well so you are also able to use the online resource:
To register go to with our unique school code as 35075 and click Register
We hope that students and parents will enjoy using Start this year and that you will find it an interesting and valuable resource to use when discussing future career plans and options.